Tips and Tricks
Maximizing the Impact – and Results – of Your Annual Appeal
What is an Annual Appeal and Why is it important?
Considerations to Donor Appreciation Communication
Considerations to Donor Appreciation Communication
Designing the perfect thank you for donors is as easy as preparing their favorite dessert – if, of course, you know what they like.
Color Theory 101: Part III
In part 3 of our 4 part series on Nonprofit Branding, we take a look at what the colors of your logo tells your audience.
The Effective Logo Checklist for Nonprofits: Part Two
In the second part of our 4 part series on branding, we take a shallow dive into how to design a logo.
Part I: The Importance of Branding for Nonprofits
What is "Branding?" Why is it important?
5 Things We Learned from "Change the Channel!"
How nonprofits can think through the different stages of planning a marketing campaign and spreading the message across various channels?