Training Courses
Strawhecker Nonprofit Services has a series of separate and distinct trainings. We consider our trainings multi-hour courses for small or large groups using time-tested information and interactive lessons. Our organization has run a certificate program for a university as well as worked with local community foundations on presenting courses to nonprofits.
Tailored Trainings
Fundraising Concepts & Practices
Capital Campaigns
Prospect Research & Donor Relationships
Grant Writing
Annual Giving
Planned Giving
Public Relations & Marketing
Our Tailored Trainings are designed to fit your organization’s specific needs. Contact Ryan Strawhecker at (402) 556-5785 or fill out the contact form for more information.
Not exactly what you’re looking for? We also offer Speaking Engagements for a more presentational topic delivery.
Developed Training Materials
We have already developed specific training material in the following areas:
Direct Mail
Donor Clubs
Major Donor Program
Memorial Program
Planned Giving Program
Special Events Program
Board Development
Nonprofit Management