Volunteer Appreciation: Show Them Love Like They Show Their Love


How should you show your volunteers how much you appreciate their time, money, and energy? After all, they spread awareness of your cause and help you attain your organization’s mission? Show them love as they show their love and fill their love tanks. By doing so, you not only fuel the passion volunteers have for your cause, but you also reinforce their decision to devote countless hours to ensure your organization meets its mission and achieves its vision.

Supporters show their love for their favorite nonprofit organizations in multiple ways. By identifying which of Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages supporters express when they volunteer in support of an organization, those organizations can show their appreciation that is most meaningful to their volunteers. Here are a few examples of how volunteers express their love:

Word of Affirmation: They write thank you letters to donors and post thank you messages on social media for sponsors. They cheer on breast cancer survivors at a Race for the Cure.

Quality Time: They volunteer countless hours spending quality time with animals at the local humane society. They provide counseling to victims of abuse or unfortunate circumstance.

Receiving Gifts: They register their favorite nonprofit for Amazon Smile and purchase necessary items to help children cope with grief.

Acts of Service: They cook meals for families staying at a Ronald McDonald house. They stay behind after all the guests of the gala have left and help clean-up.

Physical Touch: They rock newborns bare chested to spark warmth and life. They high-five racers coming across the finish-line in a memorial 5K.

This month find the time to demonstrate to your volunteers how you appreciate them for their support. Here are a few ideas of how to show them love like they show love:

Word of Affirmation: Give them a handwritten thank you card. Thank them publicly at a special event.

Quality Time: Host a volunteer appreciation luncheon and spend time getting to know them.

Receiving Gifts: Give them gift cards to a local coffee shop or café. 

Acts of Service: Start a volunteer appreciation spotlight in your monthly newsletter and share their hard work with your donors and supporters. Send their employer a letter of appreciation.

Physical Touch: Shake their hand or pat them on the back for a job well-done.

Whatever you decide to do to appreciate the countless hours given to support the mission and vision of your organization, two words will go a long a way in expressing five love languages, “THANK YOU.” So do not forget to fill their tanks as they help fulfill the mission of your nonprofit organization.


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