Community Action Partnership
Case Study: Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties (CAP) Builds a Home for Head Start with Strawhecker Nonprofit Services
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties sought to renovate a building to create a more welcoming and functional space for their Head Start program, which serves young learners. However, they faced challenges in securing private donor support without detracting from their existing fundraising efforts.
The Challenge
The organization, primarily funded by government grants, needed to engage private donors for the capital campaign while addressing misconceptions that private support wasn’t necessary. They also required guidance to ensure the new campaign wouldn’t interfere with other critical fundraising initiatives.
The SNS Solution
Strawhecker Nonprofit Services (SNS) conducted a feasibility study that demonstrated their commitment to supporting the campaign from start to finish. SNS provided the tools and structure needed to launch and sustain a successful campaign, including volunteer coordination and strategic donor engagement.
The Outcome
Once the campaign reached over half its goal, the organization had established a strong rhythm of volunteer meetings and realized they had the skills and knowledge to complete the campaign independently.
The Impact
The capital campaign ultimately led to the creation of a dedicated Home for Head Start, providing a more nurturing environment for young learners. Along the way, the organization cultivated lasting relationships with private donors who are now valuable supporters of their mission.
Community Action Partnership credits SNS with equipping them with the tools and strategies necessary to achieve their campaign goals. Their success highlights the power of collaboration and expert guidance in overcoming fundraising challenges.