Community Action Partnership
Case Study: Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties (CAP) Prepares for Renovations with Strawhecker Nonprofit Services
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties had recently acquired a building to better serve their young learners but faced a significant hurdle: raising the necessary funds for renovations. While the organization had experience in raising funds for programs, they lacked expertise in capital fundraising. Additionally, staffing transitions further complicated their efforts.
The Challenge
The organization was navigating changes in key leadership roles. Their skilled development officer was transitioning to the role of CEO, leaving the communications director, new to fundraising, to lead development efforts. This made it challenging to plan and execute a successful capital campaign without external guidance.
The SNS Solution
Strawhecker Nonprofit Services (SNS) conducted a Philanthropic Planning Study (PPS) to provide strategic direction for the campaign. Their approach included forming a Study Advisory Committee to identify potential supporters and develop a clear plan to move the project forward.
The Outcome
Through the PPS, Community Action Partnership gained insights and strategies for a focused capital campaign. The process brought together community members and stakeholders to brainstorm and engage in the effort, creating momentum and laying the groundwork for future success.
The Impact
With a solid plan in place, the organization is now positioned to launch a capital campaign to renovate their new building, ensuring it meets the needs of their young learners. The support and expertise provided by SNS have helped the organization navigate leadership transitions while moving confidently toward their fundraising goals.
Community Action Partnership recognized the value of partnering with a respected expert like SNS. The collaboration provided clarity, focus, and actionable steps to achieve their vision of a renovated space for their Head Start program.