Welcome to Strawhecker Nonprofit Services and our new site! We’re excited about our rebrand and even more happy that you’re here to check it out. Here we’ve compiled answers to your questions about the rebrand!

Take a look around. Let us know what you think. And sign up for our email newsletter for tips, tricks, and news below!

  • Under the name Strawhecker Nonprofit Services we are evolving a company with 26 years of history and expertise. As was the case with Paul J. Strawhecker, Inc, we want to have consultants with valuable and specific experiences as well as passion. In the last couple years, we have shifted from one-on-one consulting to a diverse team of experienced professionals who discuss and create innovative solutions to support our clients in our three areas of services: Fundraising, Marketing, and Training.

  • Our services are not new at SNS, they have evolved. We still provide planning, fundraising, marketing, and training services for nonprofits, we just adapted to new environments and changed our services to ensure our clients are successful. We have also built a team who can adapt to meet needs that are new to nonprofit organizations such as fundraising in the digital world, planning a virtual event, training a new group of board members, or marketing without stamps.

  • The new name, Strawhecker Nonprofit Services, keeps connection to namesake founder Paul J. Strawhecker, Inc. as Paul passes the organization’s leadership to his son, Ryan.

    The triangle is a modern derivative of the original Paul J. Strawhecker, Inc. logomark.

    As the most stable geometric shape, this equilateral triangle was designed to “land on its feet” no matter how you spin it – just like the business.

    Strawhecker Nonprofit Services is nimble in adapting to the unique challenges of modern nonprofits and navigating industry changes.

    The central triangle represents the guiding force of the business, even under new leadership: the nonprofit heart.

  • If your nonprofit is in need of support in Fundraising, Marketing, or Training, contact us today!